December 7
Celticmoon N Aychess Copa De Oro - Sanchez finished his Canadian Championship. Thank you to Walter Pinsker for Best of Breed win over the special. Now onto flyball and finishing his US championship.
November 24
It is now Best In Speciaty, Grp Placing Ch. Aychess N Celtimoon Inverary! Vera won the Collie Club of BC Specialty under Jack Kilgour, German Shepherd Extrordaire! Thank you for all the lovely compliments from fellow exhibitors! We had a blast! Aychess Ne Obliviscaris, Vera's brother was RWD!
April 5
New Champion!! Aychess N Celticmoon Inveraray, Vera finished her Canadian Championship under Edgar Bajona! Way to go Vera! Thank you Pearl for taking such great care of our girl! This is my first bred championship on my own! Thank you Nancy Anstruther for my solid foundation, in teaching and providing me with a great start to my kennel!
April 4 - Good Friday!
Aychess Ne Obliviscaris, Campbell, BOB, BOW, WD over a special under Chris Neilson at Renaissance Dog Assoc. in Chilliwack, Also his sister Aychess N Celticmoon Inveraray, Vera was WB.
March 25
Aychess N Celticmoon Inveraray was WB BOW, BOS over a special to add to her points in the US.
March 24
Celticmoon's Mystic Storm, Stormy was WB, BOW, Best Bred By, under Virgina Lyne at the Penninsula Dog Fanciers Show in Bremerton, her very first US show day!
Feb 24/25
Celticmoon N Aychess Copa De Oro, Sanchez was RWD both days he was entered at the 3 days of collie specialties in Auburn, WA, judges were Joe Reno and Judie Evans. Aychess N Celticmoon Inveraray, Vera was RWB to a major under Joe Reno at the same shows. Thank you for all the lovely comments and compliments of Vera! She is a special girl....now if she only had hair!! New pictures of her will be posted soon thanks to Candace Hunter!
Feb 18
Aychess Ne Obliviscaris aka Campbell went Best of Breed for two points at the Mt. Cheam Shows in Chilliwack, BC. Thank you Kornelia for showing him in group, while I had my client Belgian in for group!
January 29
Celticmoon N Aychess Copa De Oro won Herding group puppy and was pulled for the cut in the adult group. Thank you Pearl for showing him! Also, Ch. Caprigems Take A Moment, Selah won Best of Breed! shown at Ladies Kennel club in Cloverdale
January 28
Aychess N Celticmoon Inveraray, aka Vera won a Group 4, shown by me under Jaqueline Rosup, also that day Celtimoon N Aychess Copa De Oro, aka: Sanchez won the herding puppy group, shown by me and gained another point. Thanks Pearl for wearing him down in the Adult group! Shown at Ladies Kennel club in Cloverdale.